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2 Resultados de traducción para end en español

noun | verb

end noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
extremo, final, punta; fin

Ejemplos de uso de
end noun

  • The report is due at the end of the month.
  • She interviewed several players at the end of the game.
  • The restaurant is in the north end of the city.
  • We biked from one end of the island to the other.
  • The house is at the end of the road.
  • They live at opposite ends of town.
  • the deep end of a swimming pool
  • She drove the end of the stake into the ground.
  • The car's front end was damaged.
  • One end of the rope was tangled.

Sinónimos detallados para end noun

1. End, termination, ending, close, conclusion, finish significan el punto o la línea más allá de la cual algo no va o no puede ir.
  • End es el término inclusivo, que indica el límite final en el tiempo o el espacio, en la extensión de una influencia o en la gama de posibilidades <the report put an end to the rumors>.
    antonyms: beginning
  • Termination se aplica al fin de algo provisto de límites predeterminados, o de algo que se está completando o acabando <the termination of a lease>.
    antonyms: inception, source
  • Ending incluye con frecuencia la porción que conduce al punto final <disliked the film's ending>.
    antonyms: beginning
  • Close indica el final de una actividad o de un periodo de tiempo <by the close of trading, the stock market had gained 2%>.
  • Conclusion es un sinónimo un poco informal de close <the strike reached its conclusion with a negotiated settlement>.
  • Finish significa la etapa final, especialmente en eventos deportivos <the race was close from start to finish>.
2. Ver: Intention

end verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
ended, has ended, is ending, ends
terminar(se), acabar, concluir(se); terminar, poner fin a; concluir

Ejemplos de uso de
end verb

  • They ended the meeting at noon.
  • The line of people ended around the corner.
  • A marching band will end the parade.

Sinónimos detallados para end verb

Ver: Close
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Verbos frasales para end

Frases relacionadas para end

Traducción inversa para end

extremo  - extreme, end 
final  - final, play-off, end, conclusion, finale 
punta  - tip, end, point (of a weapon or pencil), point, headland, bunch, lot 
fin  - end, purpose, aim, objective 
terminar  (se) - to finish, to end, to conclude, to stop, to end, to complete, to finish off, to wind up 
acabar  - to finish, to finish, to end 
concluir  (se) - to end, to conclude, to conclude, to finish, to deduce, to infer 
terminar  - to finish, to end, to conclude, to stop, to end, to complete, to finish off, to wind up 
concluir  - to end, to conclude, to conclude, to finish, to deduce, to infer