en colaboración con Merriam-Webster,
el diccionario más prestigioso de inglés americano
2 Resultados de traducción para jump on en español
| verb
jump onverb
saltar, echarse encima
get the jump onverb
(figurado) tomar por sorpresa (a alguien); empezar por adelantado
Ejemplos de uso de
get the jump on
•The lion got the jump on the gazelle, and managed to catch it.
jumped, has jumped, is jumping, jumps
saltar; brincar; saltarse; levantarse de un salto, sobresaltarse; moverse, pasar; atacar, asaltar; dar un salto, aumentarse de golpe, subir bruscamente; animarse, ajetrearse
A boy jumping on a bed
Ejemplos de uso de
•The circus lion jumped through the hoop.
•The fans were jumping up and down with excitement.
•Everyone was jumping for joy when we found out that we had won an award.
•The cat jumped down off the table.
•The runner jumped a hurdle.
•The car jumped the curb.
•Everyone jumped into the pool.
•He jumped into his truck and drove away.
•She jumped when she heard a loud knock late at night.