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2 Resultados de traducción para stop en español

noun | verb

stop noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
tapón; parada, alto

Ejemplos de uso de
stop noun

  • His first stop will be Washington, D.C.
  • Our first stop has to be the gas station.
  • I need to make a stop at the grocery store on the way home.
  • The next stop is Main Street and Tower Square.
  • I'm getting off at the next stop.
  • Slow down as you approach the stop.

Sinónimos de
stop noun

stop verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
stopped, has stopped, is stopping, stops
detenerse, parar; tapar; impedir, evitar; cesar, terminar; detener; quedarse; dejar de

Ejemplos de uso de
stop verb

  • She was walking toward me, and then she suddenly stopped.
  • The bus stopped at the corner.
  • He stopped to watch the sun set.
  • He stopped to pick up a penny.
  • The car was going so fast that it couldn't stop in time.
  • The traffic light turned red, so she had to stop.
  • Stop that man! He stole my wallet.
  • They stopped us at the border to check our passports.
  • She stopped the car and turned back.
  • He was stopped by the police for speeding.

Sinónimos detallados para stop verb

Stop, cease, quit, discontinue, desist, halt, leave off significan suspender la actividad o causar su suspensión.
  • Stop se aplica a la acción, al progreso o a lo que está operando o progresando, y puede indicar un carácter súbito y definitivo <stopped the conversation>.
    antonyms: start
  • Cease se aplica a estados, condiciones o a la existencia, y puede indicar un carácter gradual y un grado de finalidad <at nightfall the fighting ceased>.
  • Quit puede recalcar la finalidad o lo abrupto de la acción de parar o de cesar <the engine sputtered, then quit altogether>.
  • Discontinue se aplica al paro de una actividad o práctica habitual <the company has discontinued manufacturing trucks>.
    antonyms: continue
  • Desist indica abstención o control como el motivo para el paro o la cesación <a judge had ordered them to desist>.
    antonyms: persist
  • Halt significa parar, frecuentemente de repente <demonstrators had halted the traffic>.
  • Leave off significa detenerse o descontinuar, frecuentemente en una manera casual <started again where he had left off>.

Verbos frasales para stop

  • stop by - (informal) pasar por casa, visitar

Frases relacionadas para stop

Traducción inversa para stop

tapón  - cork, bottle cap, plug, stopper 
parada  - stop, catch, save, parry (in sports), parade 
alto  - height, elevation, stop, halt 
detenerse  - to stop, to delay, to linger 
parar  - to stop, to stop, to stand, to prop, to stay, to put up 
tapar  - to cover, to cover up, to block, to obstruct 
impedir  - to prevent, to block, to impede, to hinder 
evitar  - to avoid, (informal) to steer clear of, to prevent, to escape, to elude 
cesar  - to cease, to stop, to dismiss, to lay off 
terminar  - to finish, to end, to conclude, to stop, to end, to complete, to finish off, to wind up 
detener  - to arrest, to detain, to stop, to halt, to keep, to hold back 
quedarse  - to stay, to keep on