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1 Translation result for accuse in Spanish


accuse verb

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accused, has accused, is accusing, accuses
acusar, delatar, denunciar

Example sentences of
accuse verb

  • She was accused of lying on the employment application.

Synonyms of
accuse verb

Detailed synonyms for accuse verb

Accuse, charge, indict, impeach, blame significan declarar a una persona culpable de una falta u ofensa.
  • Accuse indica una declaración directa y personal <accused him of lying>.
    antonyms: exculpate, acquit
  • Charge suele indicar la declaración formal de una ofensa grave <an athlete charged with taking illegal drugs before the race>.
    antonyms: absolve, acquit
  • Indict se usa normalmente en contextos legales y connota una consideración formal de la evidencia antes de un proceso o juicio <indicted by a grand jury>.
  • Impeach se refiere técnicamente a un cargo formal, contra un funcionario público, de mala conducta en el ejercicio de su mandato <attempted to have the judge impeached>.
  • Blame se usa frecuentemente en casos de error o mala conducta, pero menos frecuente para ofensas más serias <they blame me for everything>.
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Reverse translation for accuse

acusar  - to accuse, to charge, to reveal, to betray 
delatar  - to betray, to reveal, to denounce, to inform against 
denunciar  - to denounce, to condemn, to report (to the authorities)