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2 Translation results for bare in Spanish

adjective | verb

bare adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
desnudo; descubierto, sin protección; desprovisto, vacío; mero, mínimo; puro, sencillo

Example sentences of
bare adjective

  • He had a glove on his left hand, but his right hand was bare.
  • Do not let the bare wires touch.
  • He covered her bare arms with his coat.
  • The ground was bare where the statue had stood for years.
  • There was only one bare shelf.
  • Her office was pretty bare, having only one desk and one chair.
  • This is the barest room in the house.
  • He only told me the bare facts about what happened.
  • There was a rug in the front room of the house, but the other floors were bare.

Synonyms of
bare adjective

¿Sabías esto?
  • No confundir bare con bear.

Detailed synonyms for bare adjective

Bare, naked, nude, bald, barren, exposed significan despojado de ropa o de cubierta, sea ésta natural o convencional.
  • Bare indica la ausencia de todo lo que es de más, superfluo, ornamental o prescindible <a bleak apartment with bare walls>.
    antonyms: covered
  • Naked connota la ausencia total de ropa o cubierta, sea protectora u ornamental, pero puede asimismo indicar un estado natural, de indigencia, de indefensión o de belleza sencilla <poor half-naked children shivering in the cold>.
  • Nude se aplica primordialmente a la figura humana desarropada <a nude model posing for art students>.
    antonyms: clothed
  • Bald indica la ausencia, real o aparente, de cubierta natural, y puede connotar una llaneza severa o carencia de adorno <a bald mountain peak>.
  • Barren suele connotar la aridez, el empobrecimiento o la esterilidad por la carencia de cubierta natural o apropiada <barren plains with no trees>.
  • Exposed implica que no está protegido <exposed to the elements> y está descubierto <left her navel exposed>.

bare verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
bared, has bared, is baring, bares

Example sentences of
bare verb

  • He bared his chest to show the scar.
  • finally bared the secret that she had kept to herself for so long

Related phrases for bare

Reverse translation for bare

desnudo  - nude, naked, bare 
descubierto  - exposed, revealed 
desprovisto  - devoid of, lacking in 
vacío  - vacant, empty, meaningless 
mero  - mere, simple, very 
mínimo  - minimum, least, smallest, very small, minute 
puro  - pure, plain, simple, sheer, only, just 
sencillo  - simple, easy, plain, unaffected, single 
desnudar  - to undress, to strip, to lay bare