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1 Translation result for certainty in Spanish


certainty noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
certeza, certidumbre, seguridad

Example sentences of
certainty noun

  • Scientists still do not know with any degree of certainty why the disease spread so quickly.
  • We cannot predict the outcome with absolute certainty.
  • There was no certainty that the package would arrive in time.
  • Her certainty about these complex moral issues is surprising.

Synonyms of
certainty noun

Detailed synonyms for certainty noun

Certainty, certitude, assurance, conviction, confidence significan una condición en la que se está libre de toda duda.
  • Certainty puede recalcar la existencia de una prueba objetiva <lacking in scientific certainty>.
    antonyms: uncertainty, doubt
  • Certitude puede subrayar una fe suficientemente fuerte para resistir cualquier ataque <believed in his innocence with a fair degree of certitude>.
    antonyms: doubt
  • Assurance indica más la confianza que la certidumbre, e indica en particular el tener confianza en los propios poderes o métodos de uno, o el confiar en otro <their assurance that the story would remain secret>.
  • Conviction indica por lo general una duda o incertidumbre previa, y recalca una reacción sujetiva y racional a la evidencia <she holds firm convictions about everything>.
  • Confidence connota confianza <had lost confidence in the government>.

Reverse translation for certainty

certeza  - certainty 
certidumbre  - certainty 
seguridad  - safety, security, (financial) security, certainty, assurance, confidence, self-confidence