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1 Translation result for loosest in Spanish


loose adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
flojo, suelto, poco seguro; holgado; abierto; flexible; libre, aproximado

Example sentences of
loose adjective

  • Some of the shingles on the roof were loose.
  • The rope was tied in a loose knot.
  • The nails had been pried loose.
  • The boat came loose from its moorings and floated out into the harbor.
  • The ball popped loose from the shortstop's glove.
  • loose reins on a horse
  • She was wearing a loose dress.
  • The dog was wandering loose in the streets.

Synonyms of
loose adjective

Detailed synonyms for loose adjective

Loose, relaxed, slack, lax significan que no está firmemente sujetado, restringido, aguantado o estirado.
  • Loose puede referirse en general a personas o cosas libres de restricciones normales o pasadas <let the dog run loose>, o a algo que no está firmemente o estrechamente sujetado o conectado entre dos puntos de contacto <one of the wires was loose>.
    antonyms: strict, tight
  • Relaxed indica una reducción en lo apretado o ajustado, lo estricto o lo rígido; puede asimismo indicar un aflojamiento, más que una eliminación, de lo que restringe <their new teacher had a more relaxed and friendly style>.
    antonyms: stiff
  • Slack, que en otros sentidos es muy cercano a relaxed, puede recalcar la falta de firmeza y de fijeza <the wind had died and the sails were slack>.
    antonyms: taut, tight
  • Lax recalca la falta de fijeza, firmeza y de tono; en lo que respecta a cosas inmateriales, puede recalcar la falta de la firmeza y fijeza necesarias o adecuadas <the government had been lax in enforcing pollution laws>.
    antonyms: rigid

Reverse translation for loosest

flojo  - loose, slack, weak, poor, lazy 
suelto  - loose, free, unattached 
holgado  - loose, baggy, at ease, comfortable 
abierto  - open, candid, frank, generous 
flexible  - flexible 
libre  - free, vacant 
aproximado  - approximate, estimated 
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