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2 Translation results for price in Spanish

noun | verb

price noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
price noun

  • You paid a high price for the car.
  • We bought the house at a good price.
  • The price of milk rose.
  • What is the difference in price between the two cars?
  • I know he said he wouldn't do it, but I think it's just a matter of finding his price.

Detailed synonyms for price noun

Price, charge, cost, expense, tab, bill, fee, fare, payment, rate significan lo que se da o se pide a cambio de algo.
  • Price designa lo que se pide, particularmente por artículos de comercio <the price of vegetables has risen sharply>.
  • Charge es cercano a price, pero se aplica particularmente a servicios <the charge for their services>, y puede aplicarse asimismo a lo que se impone a uno como una carga financiera <charged them $3.00 each>.
  • Cost se aplica a lo que se da o se entrega a cambio de algo, lo cual es a menudo, y específicamente, el pago de un precio pedido <the cost of a new car>.
  • Expense a menudo designa la cantidad total que al final se paga por algo <our expenses were higher last month>.
  • Tab, un término informal, aplica a aquello que se debe, generalmente por un cliente en una cantina o un restaurante <she offered to pay the tab for their drinks>.
  • Bill connota un documento que dice cuánto se debe por algo que se ha comprado o usado <he paid the telephone bill every month>.
  • Fee sugiere un cargo fijo <the admission fee is $10>.
  • Fare connota la cantidad de dinero que una persona paga para viajar en un vehículo público <lacked coins for the bus fare>.
  • Payment es un término amplio que significa que algo se ha pagado o que se dio dinero para pagar una deuda <the loan payment is due monthly>.
  • Rate connota un precio a pagarse que se establece de acuerdo a una escala o un estándar <the hotel's rates start at $75 per night>.

price verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
priced, has priced, is pricing, prices
poner un precio a

Example sentences of
price verb

  • They priced the house too high.
  • Workers quickly priced the new merchandise.

Related phrases for price

Reverse translation for price

precio  - price, cost, sacrifice